Sunday, January 13, 2008

In the Beginning....

Both of my grandfathers were amature photographers with their own darkrooms. As a young child I watched my dad running around with his Brownie Camera always looking for that perfect family pix.
At age 16, I saved up my first 4 paycheques to buy my first cam- Kodak pocket TeleInstamatic with flash.
In college at EPBC I took lots of pix, won a photo contest, and co-directed a cable tv talk show. This was the beginning of my passion for the world of Media.
In 1982 I bought my first 35mm camera, a Minolta SX70. On August 16, 1998, while walking through the concourse under the South Tower of the Trade Center, NY
I remember feeling the uneasiness of walking through the trade center, knowing that this very building had been the target of a terrorist only a few years earlier. Upon exiting the South Tower, I decided to take one photograph of the front facade of the South tower while laying on the ground, and trying to hold the camera as steady as possible on my forehead to minimize camera shake. By 2002, during the post 911 years, I recovered my pix of the world trade center, and at the advice of one of my corporate friends, decided to publish and copyright my photograph entitled MEMORIES. Since that day, MEMORIES has been featured at the Gallery on the Grand in Waterloo and the Waterloo Chronical, Art Business News Magazine NY, and CKCO News.
I have sold 18 MEMORIES prints to date by word of mouth.
My web site is